Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blogger Niche

Niche (straight up Google definition): 

A shallow recess, esp. one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament: "each niche holding a shepherdess in Dresden china".

Place or position (something) in a niche: "these elements were niched within the shadowy reaches"; "decorated with niched statues".

recess - alcove - bay

I spend a great majority of my work day reading blogs.  No, I do my work and I do it well (thankyouverymuch!) but on down times or when I need a brain break from what I'm doing, I read.  I've ALWAYS been a reader all my life.  Books, back of cereal boxes, 20 year old Reader's name it, I've consumed it in my life. 

There is definitely a lot of push (and pull?) out there about blogger niche and what little piece of world wide webitude do you fit into.  I'm a pretty straight up boring average person.  Well with the exception of my height..I'm tall here.  6'1" if you are curious :) I don't blog about anything worthwhile most days..some days I'm bored and write posts like this but at the end of the day, I'm honest in my posts.  That counts, right? 

What I've noticed most is the desire to find yourself in one of those niches on the web where you can write about whatever and feel supported by whomever else is writing there with you.  

What about those of still figuring it out?   

I'm content writing whatever ramblings come to my mind but it would be nice to have a "home base" of sorts where you can talk to other bloggers and have them support your efforts even if they are about things like dryer lint or analyzing Monet paintings.  

Am I the only one thinking this way? 

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